Get a Second Opinion

The California Center for Pituitary Disorders at UCSF is one of the most comprehensive pituitary treatment programs in the nation. We are glad to offer our expertise in evaluating your diagnosis and treatment options. We also offer phone consults after reviewing your films. To send your films for a phone consult, please send all of the information listed below to:

California Center for Pituitary Disorders at UCSF
400 Parnassus Ave, A808
San Francisco, CA 94143-0350
Fax: (415) 353-2889

  • Any pathology, biopsy, and operative reports
  • Any neurologist/neurosurgeon doctor's notes about your diagnosis and any treatment that may have been performed 
  • A CD in "dicom" format of ALL prior brain imaging
  • Front and back copy of your health insurance card
  • Payment by check (made out to UC regents) of $250 for new patients, $100 for follow up patients
  • A patient demographic sheet

Upon receipt of the information listed above, you will be contacted by our new patient coordinators to complete the registration process. When your registration has been completed, one of our physicians will review your case and contact you to discuss their recommendations.

You can also request an in-person appointment through the Neurosurgery Clinic Appointment Request form at or by calling us at 1866-559-5543. If you come for a visit in person, please bring any MRI or CT scans to your appointment and fax all of your medical records to (415) 353-2939 prior to your appointment. As always, we are honored to be chosen to provide your with the best possible care.